Don’t Buy a Franchise — Franchising is in Crisis

Don’t buy a franchise because franchising is in crisis.

On Wednesday, July 31st, Senator Cortez Masto of Nevada introduced a bill (S.2383) that could be the first step in a long line of necessary reform.

United States franchisors systematically exploit the current FTC regulations to intentionally defraud hard-working United States citizens, veterans and legal immigrants who believe in the American dream. Many victims lose their homes, their livelihoods and their entire life savings.

But somebody is evidently making a lot of money…..

Right now, the IFA, the International Franchise Association, is lobbying against Senator Cortez Masto’s bill. Why? Who is making the money?

How is all this systematic fraud happening? And what can you do?

Watch below…. I’ll explain.

The American Dream is in Crisis.

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Franchise Fraud FAQ

1. Don’t Buy a Franchise

2. Why the FDD isn’t Worth Much

3. Reform and the Brilliance of Franchising

4. Franchisees are Silent Because they’re Afraid

5. The Industry Targets Vulnerable Hard-Working People who Believe in the American Dream

6. SBA Loans and the Senate Bill

7. Using the IRS ROBS (Rollover Business Startup) Program to Defraud People out of their Retirement

8. The IFA is Already Lobbying Against the Senate Bill. Whose Side are They On? How do They Make their Money?

9. Franchise Consulting and Franchise Fees

10. Franchises that Sell Franchises

11. Examples of FDD Fraud Problems

12. Franchisee Satisfaction Awards are Deceptive Advertisements

13. Everything Changes After you sign that Dangerous Contract

14. Buying a Bad Boss

15. Why Franchisors Win in Court

16. Stopping Future Franchisee Investment

17. FDD Verification by Third-Party Private Companies

18. Fixing the Contracts

19. Call your Senator!

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