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7-11 Franchisees Take the Publicity Lead
On September 27th, Franchise Times published an article entitled, “7-11 Owners Air Cold, Hard Facts Against Corporate.” The decision to air grievances publicly is a rare one in the franchising…
Forced Arbitration Clauses Mean Franchisors Win
The American Association of Justice just released a report about the extreme harms of forced arbitration. The report is dated this month: September 2019. Many franchise agreements have clauses that…
Franchise Fraud is Bureaucratic Corruption
Franchise fraud is bureaucratic corruption. In their 2017 book Corruption: What Everyone Needs to Know, Ray Fisman and Miram A. Golden write: In any setting, there can be the occasional…
How to Safely Leak Franchise Fraud Evidence
In order to combat franchise fraud, franchiSEES must have a safe way to leak their evidence. They must have a way to share documents that can’t be subpoenaed. In this…
Franchise Fraud in the News
Why don’t we hear about franchise fraud in the news? In 2017, when I first began interacting with leaders in the franchise-fraud resistance movement (that’s my name for it), someone…
The Integrated Network that Supports Franchise Fraud
Franchise Fraud isn’t that complicated. It stems from an integrated network of individuals and businesses making money off of franchise sales. Networks aren’t that difficult to understand. They’re made of…
The Myth of the “Few Disgruntled Franchisees”
One way franchiSORS maintain leverage is through discrediting franchiSEE issues by labeling franchiSEES who assertively defend their rights as “disgruntled” and by pretending that the “disgruntled” franchiSEES are rare and…
Franchise Fraud: The Solution is Leaks and Media
The way to combat franchise fraud is to leak evidence to the media. Press that proves the fraud will educate the public and put pressure on Congress and the Federal…
Franchise Fraud: The Problem is Corruption
Corruption is at the heart of the endemic franchise fraud in the United States. The most effective solution against corruption I know is using leaks of documents that prove the…
Who are the Good Franchisors?
Who are the good franchiSORS? Will they please stand up and introduce themselves? There are franchiSEES who want to know who you are so they can invest. The good frnchiSEES…
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